
Risk and the search for life on Mars

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket with NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover onboard launches from Space Launch Complex 41. Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky

I’ve just posted a new(ish) piece on Medium to coincide with the launch of the Mars 2020 mission, that takes a risk innovation look at the search for life on the Red Planet.

It’s newish as the original was published in the journal Astrobiology a couple of years ago. The new version here has been tweaked a little.

Read it here:

Life on Mars, Astrobiology, and Thinking Differently about Risk

As the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover sets out on its seven month voyage to Mars in the hope of finding signs of life, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the nature of risk in our search for extraterrestrial life.

Medium/Edge of Innovation, July 30, 2020

Responsible Innovation Risk Technology Innovation

The risks and ethics of facial recognition tech

There’s a new Risk Bites video up on the risks and ethics of facial recognition technologies:

This is an increasingly important topic as hardware and compute capabilities make it increasingly easy to scan faces and connect their owners with a growing array of information, insights and inferences — not all of which are ethical, just, or accurate!

Health Risk

Notes on estimating personal risk of contracting COVID19 while attending class (updated)

NOTE: This article was originally posted on June 28, but has since been substantially modified as I realized the initial analysis underestimated personal risk substantially. This version provides more information on the risk calculation approach taken — please treat with caution though, and let me know if you come across anything that doesn’t look right!

If you’re a student or instructor facing the prospect of in-person classes in the fall, and worrying about what the risks are of being infected by COVID19 as a result, you’re not alone.

Like many, I’ve been grappling with the potential risks of in-person teaching in the light of COVID119, and wondering just how effective measures being discussed are going to be.

Most universities are working hard to reduce the risks through measures like temperature screening, mask-usage, reduced occupancy and hybrid in-person/online teaching models. Yet without a clear sense of where these measures are backed up by evidence, I find myself finding it hard to get a good feel for what the personal risks might be.

And that’s speaking as a person who studies risk for a living!

Paying attention to ventilation in classrooms

One factor in particular that has been bothering me, coming in part from many years studying and leading research on aerosol exposure, is the rate at which potentially contaminated air in enclosed spaces is replaced with clean air, and how this in turn impacts potential risk. And as a result, I’ve been pleased to see a growing body of preliminary research looking at just this — including a recent pre-print on medRxiv from Dr.Shelly Miller at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and her colleagues, on COVID19 transmission associated with the Skagit Valley Chorale superspreading event.

Communication Risk

Risk Bites goes Black Glass

One of the consequences of working from home during the coronavirus lockdown has been the installation of a spanking new black glass dry erase board in my home office (aka the spare bedroom).

As someone who can’t think without a dry erase board, it was only a matter of time before I cracked and put one in. And just to be different, I thought why not go for a fancy glass one, and a bunch of fluorescent gel pens to boot.

Communication Education Risk

Does YouTube block some videos from searches?

Here’s an odd thing:

For the past few months, a 2014 Risk Bites video on nanoscale silver has been getting hundreds of views a day — up from 30 – 50 views per day pre-coronavirus. Yet between May 7 – May 9, views from YouTube searches dropped from over 200 per day to zero.

Has the video somehow been blacklisted by YouTube?

Films from the Future Risk

Channel-specific YouTube searches

I’ve been playing around with a way to search a given YouTube channel from a simple form input, and the form below seems to work pretty well.

Multi channel search

I specifically wanted a way to search the growing number of YouTube videos of readings from Films from the Future, allowing people to find videos that tackle specific topics. But it’s also a promising way to search the videos on other channels, including Risk Bites.

I’ll be developing a fuller version of this when the Future Rising video cycle is complete.